Divorce can be a painful and overwhelming process. You may feel as though you are not in control and can’t seem to make things work out, but a Phoenix AZ divorce attorney can help you through the process. Whether you’re filing for a contested or uncontested divorce, a divorce attorney can walk you through the process.
A contested divorce is a divorce where one spouse disagrees to the terms of the petition. During a contested divorce, a Phoenix divorce attorney can help you determine if you’re eligible for alimony, spousal maintenance, or child support. Alimony is usually awarded in cases where the spouse has earned less than the other. Child support is generally awarded in divorce cases where there are children.
One of the most important factors in a successful divorce is trust. If you and your spouse do not trust each other, the entire divorce process can go wrong. Keeping this in mind, it’s a good idea to find a lawyer who is willing to treat you with respect and honesty.
Before you file for a divorce, you should be sure to identify all of your assets. This includes both tangible and intangible property. Some of your assets may include a house, car, retirement plan, personal property, or investments. It’s important to know what is considered community property and what is sole and separate property.
Arizona is a community property state. Any assets accumulated during the marriage are considered community property. There are exceptions to this rule, however. For example, your spouse can transfer an interest in a business in the ordinary course of that business, if the business was established before the marriage. However, you must get the court’s permission before transferring your interest in a business.
A Phoenix divorce attorney can help you settle disputes regarding assets and debts. Assets can be divided according to a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Likewise, you can sell assets to satisfy your spouse’s financial obligations. While it’s possible to split shared bank accounts, this can be complicated in some circumstances.
In addition, if you have a child, a Phoenix divorce attorney can help you obtain child custody. Arizona courts have a number of guidelines about how to determine parenting time and child support. They also take into account each party’s income and expenses for medical care.
A Phoenix divorce attorney can help you navigate the process and ensure you end up in the best shape possible. Even if you’re unable to agree on issues like child custody, you can still have a strong case.
A divorce attorney can also help you determine whether you qualify for a mediation process before a divorce trial. Mediation is a way of avoiding the expense and uncertainty of a trial. To start the mediation process, you can contact a neutral trained mediator. These are typically more affordable than a courtroom, and you can share your evidence with a professional without worrying about the judge deciding the terms.